
I’m new to reviews so I’ve decided to start small and work my way up after having more experience and criticisms.

Marvel’s Spider-man PS4

Great game overall, the story was a little short but very enjoyable. This game seems made for the Spider-man comic book fan. Memorabilia from the comics, movies, even the cartoon tv show abound. Unfortunately, if your not a fan of the side missions or exploration the game somewhat forces you to participate in order to unlock some of the higher level equipment/costumes. If you are a fan of side quests or a completionist you’ll have a ton of content even after you’ve completed the story. By far the best web-slinging in any video game to date. The feeling of swinging building to building is very smooth and enjoyable.

Dragon Quest 11

Dragon Quest 11 offers a storyline as tangled twisted and gnarled as the roots of the giant world tree. A very classic Japanese RPG updated for this generation but still keeping true to its roots. If your a fan of the writer and artist of the Dragon Ball franchise, Akira Toriyama, then you’ll enjoy the character design as it is from the same.